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Original, unique designs to help with lifting and carrying your bicycle

Lifetime leather bar wraps in five styles for every type of handlebar and bicycle

Best-selling "commuter essentials" for making the daily commute easier

Stunning handcrafted bicycle bags carry the essentials and turn heads!

Our original best-selling Travel Cribbage Boards have fans worldwide

Play dice anywhere you go in a handcrafted brass keychain or necklace.

Uniquely functional for travel: hand-drawn domino playing cards (2 sizes!)

Our newest folding leather board and favorite game: Travel Backgammon!

All handcrafted handles in 8 styles, 4 leather colors, & 3 metal finishes

Strong yet soft, durable and sustainable, no-bumps and no-bruises

Collection details, stylesheets, dimensions, sizing, palette & more

Flexible but sturdy, creative solutions to tricky problem corners

We wrote a free educational series about our favorite material, delivered to your inbox.

"In a Nutshell": Our blog has fresh human-written content with how-to guides and news

In a Nutshell

Travel Mexican Train for lefties, too! We redesigned our popular Double 12 Travel Domino Playing Cards with an adaptation for left-handed folks, legibility improvements, and more new features. Read on to learn more about the redesign: what, why, and how!
  • 5 min read
Introducing our first calendar, the 2025 Gratitude Calendar, and a special offer for the 2024 holidays!
  • 3 min read
In this post, we introduce furoshiki, the Japanese art of knotting and folding cloth into protective wrappings and bags. It’s not only beautiful, it’s a more sustainable way to present gifts than disposable paper – and it can be done with something we probably all have in our houses, the mighty bandana!
  • 6 min read
Announcing two new interiors designs from Walnut! The Flanders leather cabinet handle has refined, elegant, slim profile for smaller center-to-center connections. The Oswego Leather Wrap is a new offering for appliance handles.
  • 2 min read
In this post, we explore the versatility and optionality of the Hawthorne leather handle with lots of customer photos, including how to install the Hawthorne leather pull "flat" as a handle with two points of contact with the surface.
  • 4 min read
In this post, we'll help you envision your project by showing our four leather colors on lots of different background materials, using real life photos from our customers (cabinets, drawers, furniture, and more) -- organized by color : Black, Rich Blues/Greens, Dark Wood, Medium Wood, Blonde Wood, Gray, White -- plus a bonus section on Brick and Rust accent walls.
  • 7 min read
A larger size, now available! Our Double 12 Travel Domino Playing Cards are now available in two sizes: domino-size and poker-size playing cards.
  • 2 min read
New product announcement! Introducing our travel-sized version of Double 12 (D12) dominoes - in playing cards! With "Mexican Train" accessories
  • 3 min read
New product announcement! Introducing two new travel cribbage board designs: the Deluxe and Mini Deluxe.
  • 3 min read
We've updated our drawer pull hardware kits to fit a wider range of door, drawer, and cabinet faces, right out of the box.
  • 1 min read
A new deck of cards included with the Travel Cribbage Gift: Bicycle 1885.
  • 2 min read
