We accept the following payment methods:
Secure Online Checkout by Shopify:Most payment methods disclosed in the footer of every webpage. As of this writing, that includes all major US credit cards and some international credit cards, and common payment facilitators including MetaPay, Amazon Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, MetaPay, ShopPay, and more. All online payment transactions are subject to verification prior to acceptance of your order. Our payment processing system is highly secure and maintains your privacy, digitally shredding credit card info so we have no access to it.
PayPal: Pay with confidence using our long-time partner, PayPal.
Bank Transfers / Checks are available on an as-needed basis for our business customers. Wire transfers incur a $15 wire transfer fee. Checks are subject to a 14-day or longer clearing period. Please email us at walnut.customers@gmail.com with your purchase order to request one of these methods.
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