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Original, unique designs to help with lifting and carrying your bicycle

Lifetime leather bar wraps in five styles for every type of handlebar and bicycle

Best-selling "commuter essentials" for making the daily commute easier

Stunning handcrafted bicycle bags carry the essentials and turn heads!

Our original best-selling Travel Cribbage Boards have fans worldwide

Play dice anywhere you go in a handcrafted brass keychain or necklace.

Uniquely functional for travel: hand-drawn domino playing cards (2 sizes!)

Our newest folding leather board and favorite game: Travel Backgammon!

All handcrafted handles in 8 styles, 4 leather colors, & 3 metal finishes

Strong yet soft, durable and sustainable, no-bumps and no-bruises

Collection details, stylesheets, dimensions, sizing, palette & more

Flexible but sturdy, creative solutions to tricky problem corners

We wrote a free educational series about our favorite material, delivered to your inbox.

"In a Nutshell": Our blog has fresh human-written content with how-to guides and news

In a Nutshell

Take a moment to consider the idea of repairability, durability, and the importance of replacement parts.
  • 3 min read
How to install leather handles back-to-back on the interior and exterior of a door.
  • 2 min read
In this post we'll explain how US state sales taxes and international VAT/GST/customs duties are handled on our online stores
  • 3 min read
We love to hear when our clever customers find a new way to use our products. One satisfied customer sent us an alternate way to sew on the City Grips that he found easier.
  • 2 min read
Wrist and finger pain and numbness during cycling is real and can be a challenge for some cyclists. The intuitive solution would seem to be adding padding or cushioning to handlebars, but most bike experts agree that padding and cushioning handlebars is often not the only - or even a good - solution for the problem.
  • 2 min read
If you've accidentally neglected vegetable-tanned leather or found a forgotten treasure in a thrift shop, we explain how to rejuvenate and rescue old, dry leather and moldy, mildewed leather.
  • 3 min read
How can you tell if it's good quality is when you're looking at it in a store or from a photograph online? Can you tell what kind of leather it is, and if it's recoverable when you've found a hidden gem at a thrift store? In this post, we'll discuss observable design details so you can make informed decisions.
  • 6 min read
More than once, we've been surprised to find how little information there is about leather - as broadly diverse a natural material as fabric or wood. We can't wait to tell you more about it. What would you like to know?
  • 1 min read
We use the same, high quality, vegetable-tanned leather that has always traditionally been used for equestrian sport, so it's a natural outdoor material (saddles, reins, bridles, etc). Our American vegetable-tanned leather is infused with waxes in the tannery to stand up to horse sweat, mud, and rain - in other words, just like riding a bicycle!
  • 2 min read
You can personalize many of Walnut Studiolo's products with initials or a short message - and now we've expanded our Monogramming Program to give you more options for your personal messages. 
  • 1 min read
Here at Walnut Studiolo, we are dedicated to lasting quality - which can only come from a thoughtful hands-on process. Here's why it matters.
  • 4 min read
Thieves suck! Here are our customers' ideas to prevent and deter theft of their Walnut Studiolo bicycle accessories.
  • 2 min read
