Introducing a new design solution for tricky, conflicting corners, where narrow gaps and awkward doors meet: leather drawer pulls and handles.
Flexible enough to cushion, but sturdy enough to bounce right back, our leather handles and pulls are creative solutions to difficult corners. Our styles are also low-profile, which can help with narrow gaps and tight openings.
When two cabinet doors open into each other, either side-by-side or in tight corners, leather handles cushion one door from the next:
In this customer's pantry, our super-slim low-profile St. Johns leather tab pulls provided a simple and elegant solution in providing extra clearance sliding out the food drawers that were built with a compromised opening. When opened, the previous cabinet door handle hit against the wall behind it, only opening partially and preventing the food drawer from sliding out as it was designed. With the low-profile St. Johns, the cabinet door can now open all the way and the drawer can now slide out:
Leather handles also make elegant solutions where cabinet doors in problematic corners that might bounce against and potentially mar the surface of adjoining walls, doors, or surfaces.

The leather acts as a padding or door stopper providing protection, while also performing a dual function as a warm, tactile handle, eliminating the need for any specialty door stoppers or additional hardware. The leather is flexible yet springs back into shape.
Customer Victor worried that a metal door would mar the surface of the adjoining cabinet, so he chose a leather loop handle, the Hawthorne Small, to act as both a handle and a door stopper. The Lovejoy leather handle acts as a door stopper, cushioning the blow against the perpendicular cabinetry.
Because of their soft-yet-strong nature, these pulls also make kid-friendly handle choices, where the sharp corners of metal handles can be right at eye level for little ones.
What clever uses have you found for our leather drawer pulls? Share your ideas in the comments below.
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