A research project years in the making, your fellow bike nerds are glad to present you with what we consider to be the ultimate list of cycling movies.
What's Included
Our scope for this list is feature-length films, documentary or fictional, that prominently feature the bicycle in some way.
We include anime, lots of documentaries, and feature films about bicycling. Perhaps controversially, we do include some "borderline" feature films where the bike plays an important role to the character or plot even if it's not the primary theme (justification for their inclusion are disclosed in the synopsis).
We enlisted the help of the r/cycling community to help us fill it in. Our post on Reddit garnered over 135 comments, and thanks to them our list has grown to over 80 films!
We may be biased, because writer Valerie is a graduate of Indiana University Bloomington, but Redditors agreed: if there's only one film you watch, it should probably be the 1979 classic, Breaking Away.
We haven't watched them all yet, but we intend to fill in watch notes and ratings as we do. We're also still finding new ones every day!
We put the list into a Google Sheet so you can download your own copy and filter it and mark it by what's important to you.
In the list, we included:
- Year of release
- Language
- Movie genre
- Cycling genre (Urban, Professional Racing, Long Distance, BMX, Downhill Racer, and Mountain Biking)
- Links to current streaming options and sources for watching if known
- Synopsis
You can add to this list by emailing us, and feel free to share it with your fellow bike nerds.
Over 80 Bicycle Movies To Get You Through the Rainy Days
Access the Google Sheet, and save your own copy of it using this link.

January 03, 2024
There is a cool movie made in the past year or so about Greg LeMond. It is a documentary.