We have a lot to celebrate when we think back on 2022, both big and small.
Here are a few notable moments from our year.
We Went Back Out in the World (A Little)
Although the world is forever changed, we did start to get out in the world again (outdoors mostly). Here in this photo, we went to Oregon's famous Tulip Fest.

Our Cats Had a Great Year
Our two hypoallergenic Siberian shop cats, Best and Tanuki had a great year. They caught mice in the workshop, snacked and snoozed a lot, and cuddled with us some.

We Took a Principled Stand For All Crafters and Makers
We joined the #EtsyStrike and co-created a working group to build a better, cooperative alternative to Etsy:
- Artisans Cooperative: Building a Handmade Alternative to Etsy
- We Joined the Etsy Strike €“ This Is What Happened
Join the Artisans Cooperative email list to stay informed!

Fly the Coop and Join the Co-op!
We Gave Back
We held two fundraisers this year for important causes:

We Launched a New Product!
By popular demand, we launched a regular playing card-sized version of the Double 12 Travel Domino Playing Cards ("Mexican Train"). At first, we thought this new size would be too big, and take up too much space on the table, but we've found the exact opposite! As usual, our clever customers are right. Our innovative corner number (indices) mean the entire domino doesn't have to be visible. They can be laid out with only the corner numbers showing. And the standard playing card size is even more comfortable in the hand than the domino-sized cards.

We Revamped Our Website
Now: with more handwriting! New Website Launch Announcement

We Created New, Free Materials

Visual Guides:
Leather Handle Colors on Different Material Backgrounds (Lots of Project Photos!)
Hand-drawn Installation Bookmark Included with Every Bicycle Barrel Bag
Free Printable Game Rules and Scoresheets:
New Free Puzzle: "Where's Walnut?" Cartoon Search
How to Play Dice: Farkle / Ten Thousand Rules of Play
How to Play Dice: Yacht / Yatzy Rules of Play
We Dropped Some Knowledge
Bicycle Accessory Tips and Installation Guides:
- Protecting Your Paint Job with the Bicycle Frame Handle
- How To Move Leather Bar Wraps from Handlebar to Handlebar
- How to DIY Cut and Finish a Leather Edge Without Any Special Tools: Bevel, Dye, Burnish
Drawer Pull Tips and Selection Guides:
- Our Best Advice for Picking, Installing, and Placing Handles
- How to Install the Hawthorne "Flat" as a Leather Handle Instead of a Knob
- Mixed Metal Hardware Kits for a Unique Look on Cabinets and Drawers
Happy New Year!
We started this business at the tail end of the aughts, and now we're winding our way through the twenties. We can't tell you what a privilege it is to work with you, our amazing customers. It's a wonder of the internet that we can all connect from so many places around the world over our shared values and appreciation for fine craftsmanship. We can't wait to see what our 14th year in business brings!

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