UPDATED NOVEMBER 2024. Games are a mental health break from watching videos, good for protecting your memory, and unlike reading, it's a shared social experience. But the realities of trying to plan a Family Game Night can result in reluctant family members, wandering attention spans, and short time commitments. We get it!
In this post, we share our list of favorites games to overcome those challenges. These games are well-suited for 2 or more players, can be played relatively quickly, and don't take too long to learn. We hope that this breakdown of our favorite games inspires your next Family Game Night.
New in 2023: We created a bonus section at the bottom. The Bonus section is for even more favorite games. These games made our top list in previous years but we haven't been playing lately.
New in 2024: We created a separate sections for couples (2 players only) and families (2+ players)!
Table of Contents
Who Are We? What Is This List?
We're Geoffrey and Valerie Franklin, game makers and game lovers. We make original modern versions of classic games, that we design, prototype, and test together as a family. We're constantly trying out new games here at Walnut: new and old. We love testing features and versions and usually we play a game together every day at lunch around the dining table.
We first made this list in 2019 with 8 games and have updated it every November since. These, quite simply, are the games we like to play as a family.
Top 9 Family Games (2+ Players)
These games are great for both couples and families ... and in some cases solo! The number of players and the average game length in minutes is added to the top of each listing (if known).
In alphabetical order...
Azul: pattern-making strategy for visual people
2-4 Players
30-45 Minutes

Azul is perfect for those in the family that roll their eyes at counting pips, "math!", or adding up cards. It's a visual game inspired by Portuguese tiles where you build up a tile with various patterns by taking from a shared tile pool in the center and strategically collecting them to create rows and columns for points.
It's for 2-4 players and play time takes 30-45 minutes. Like all our favorite games, it's a good mix of luck and strategy, and the colorful tiles are visually-appealing and creative.
Cards: Cribbage, Euchre, Scopa!, Spades, Hearts: classic games to cherish and pass on
2-6 players
30 minutes

Playing cards will always be in style. But these games seem to be the most popular in the US and Canada, with regional and family-specific concentrations spread throughout the continent. With links to Rules of Play:
Cribbage: 2-6 Players, 30 Minutes
Popular on the East Coast and West Coast
Euchre: 4 Players, 20-30 Minutes
Popular in the Midwest
Hearts: 3-4 Players, 30 Minutes
Try to shoot the moon!
Spades: 4 Players, 30 Minutes
Popular in the Midwest: specifically the Cincinnati area
Scopa! Italian Playing Card Game
We're adding a 5th playing card game -- an Italian game -- to the list that's not so well-known in the US/Canada: Scopa! We think the Italians are on to something: it's fun and fast to learn, and we find it's always a hit with a small party. Especially the part when you yell out loud "SCOPA!" as you sweep the cards from the table. A regular deck of cards works fine, but if you find a special Scopa deck, such as one by Modiano of Italy, you'll come to love the beautiful historic artwork, too.
Catan Dice: introduces The Settlers of Catan in a faster game
1-4 Players
20-40 Minutes

We love Catan, but the reality is, it takes a while to set up and learn. It can be too much of a lift for reluctant family members. Enter: Catan Dice! 1-4 people can play Catan Dice in 20-40 minutes.
It's a travel version of Catan that introduces the ideas of Catan but is relatively simple to learn - like Yahtzee but with a board game / score card component. Like Yahtzee, you roll the dice three times to try to get your desired combination of dice and add up the points on a score sheet.
Unlike Yahtzee, the dice sides show resources instead of pips. The resources rolled fill in the Catan landscape with wheat, sheep, ore, and brick to achieve settlement points.
Dice - Farkle / 10,000 / Yacht: classic games
Any Number of Players
Variable Play Time

Any number of players can play Farkle using 6 dice and a notepad. It's like Yahtzee with each player pushing their luck to roll the right dice (triples, 1's, or 5's). But unlike Yahtzee, the points are simplified and you can roll as many times as you want - so long as you get the right dice. In this sense, each roll is more of a personal gamble, and it's fun to witness different people's gambling styles.
Some families prefer Yahtzee -- so have you tried Yacht? The scoring is slightly different but it's the original version of the popular game that was trademarked by Milton Bradley.
Yacht rules and scoresheet >>>
Farkle rules and cheatsheet >>>
Dominoes: Mexican Train for easy conversation and All-FIves
2-13 Players
Variable Play Time

All-Fives Dominoes: 2-4 Players
The classic dominoes game. Players build out the board off one central domino and score points when the pips on the ends of the tiles (on the outer-most edges of the board) add up to a multiple of 5.
How to Play All-Fives / Sniff Dominoes >>>
Mexican Train Dominoes
We think Mexican Train dominoes is the perfect combination of luck and skill, and it just doesn't require a lot of concentration. It's perfect for parties and cabin weekends when people roam in and out.
Players build off a central domino, playing in rounds. A full game is 13 rounds from double-twelve down to double-zero, but you can make the game shorter by only doing a round or two, or setting a target score instead. Players take turns matching the pips in their personal domino "train" and share a public train that is open for all players to play on (the public train is the "Mexican Train").
A typical game is 4-8 players with a set of double-12 dominoes, but it can be played with anywhere from 2-13 players using Double 6, Double 9, Double 12, or higher, depending on the number and type of dominoes you have.
Plus, we created a travel version of Mexican Train using playing cards for easier organizing! The corner index numbers means you can easily hold all those dominoes in your hand.
Dragonwood: a fun fantasy-themed card and dice game
2-4 players
20 minutes

A fantasy-themed card and dice game. Roll the dice to capture creatures like ogres and dragons, and earn enhancements that give you a leg up on the beasties.
We love the combination of cards and dice used in this game, which adds a dimension of both skill and chance and keeps it fresh.
Forbidden Island: a cooperative game
2-4 players
30 minutes

We fell in love with this game, our first cooperative game. The concept is that you're all trying to take the treasures off a sinking island and all get off the island together. Everybody loses, or everybody wins. We were even more thrilled that our friends and family enjoyed it as much as we did.
It can be played with 2-4 people and a game takes about 30 minutes (perfect for lunch). They say ages 10+ but my 6-year-old nephew was able to play along with us just fine - after all, it is cooperative. There's not a lot of fancy set-up, and it's so novel to be able to play WITH your friends and family to beat the game, rather than trying to beat each other.
IOTA: brain floss for adults and kids alike
2-4 Players
Variable Play Time

The tiniest tin carrying the cutest little square cards: it looks easy. It's not!
Players hold only a few cards in their hands at a time and try to make domino-like arrangements of the cards on the table. The cards are placed in order by same or unique combinations of colors, shapes, and numbers, with a bonus for making matching combinations of four. A Mensa Select winner, it seems easy at first but as the table grows, each move gets more complex.
Qwixx: fast and easy dice game for probability strategy
2-5 Players
15 Minutes

A super-fast game with bright colors and a bit of a probability and math. This game is fast to play, pretty easy to learn, and explores probability thinking. Ages 8+, flexible number of players. This is great for the whole family and all ages, and the colors please visual thinkers.
Top 3 Games for Couples / 2 Players Only
Almost all of the family games can be played by couples, too! But there are some terrific games that are designed for 2 players only. We love these games!
In alphabetical order...
Backgammon: the classic board game for two played since antiquity
2 players
15-30 minutes
From ancient Mesopotamia to today, backgammon is a fun game for two people. Like all our favorite games, it has the perfect mix of strategy and luck. (We think this balance is the key to playing the same game as a couple for years on end!)
The game goes pretty quickly once you get the pegs or checkers set up. For two players cramming in a quick game at lunch, or a happy hour activity, this is just about perfect.
Hive: a chess-like strategy game, perfect for two
2 players
10-20 minutes

Like chess, this bug-themed game can only be played with 2 people and it's a strategy game of trying to capture the monarch (the queen bee instead of the chess king). Also like chess, each kind of bug, like rooks, knights, etc, has special abilities and inabilities.
But - unlike chess, the game goes quickly (10-15 minutes), and you build the board as you play with the hexagonal honeycomb-shaped tile pieces. It's not formal or fussy and there's almost zero set-up time.
For two players cramming in a quick game at lunch, this is just about perfect - but the strategy is so intriguing (more than one student has written a doctoral thesis on Hive strategy!) that you'll want to play over and over again.
Morels: card game for 2 with a mushroom foraging theme
2 Players
30-45 Minutes

Another game for 2 people only, but we just love this game. We love forests, we love mushroom foraging, and we love this card game where we "wander" through the "woods" collecting wild mushrooms and frying them in a pan with butter or cider (and avoiding the deadly poisonous mushrooms, too!).
Morels is a 30+ minute game by an indie designer and fellow fungus-phile, and it has plenty of strategy to keep the game enduringly fresh and interesting.
Bonus Material: More Games!
We update this list every year and dropped some games to keep the list to our "favorites." These games are our favorites from past years!
In alphabetical order...
Abandon All Artichokes: card game with a gardening theme
2-4 Players
20 Minutes

A 20-minute card game for 2-4 players, ages 10+. We were personally biased towards the vegetable gardening theme, and each vegetable has a different "superpower" to help the winner harvest fresh veggies and get rid of artichoke cards. (Why do artichokes gotta be the villains? They aren't telling!)
There's strategies to develop and a fast pace, but it can be played easily with two people at lunch over and over again without getting boring. Plus, vegetables!
Abandon All Artichokes on BoardGameGeek >>>
Abandon All Artichokes game site >>>
Derby Horse Racing Game: for a Kentucky Derby theme night
2-6 Players
Variable Play Time

A game that combines cards, dice, poker chips, and a horse race?! That would be desktop derby, a very old game with a fun piece of equipment to play on. The original game was called Derby Day, and it was released in 1915, but there have been many, many variants on the game since, including computer versions.
Line up the horses, divvy up the cards for your "stakes", roll the dice to "scratch", and tally up your wins at the finish line to build your "pot". Make a batch of mint juleps or sweet tea for a Kentucky theme night.
For 2-6 players, a round doesn't take very long: you can simply count up your chips after a certain number of rounds to pick the winner. But if you're playing until all your poker chips are gone, then it can go on all night!
Sushi Go: fast, fun, and cute
2-5 Players
Variable Play Time

A fast-playing card game for 2-5 players, ages 8+. We were a little skeptical about this game because it looked a little too cute, but now that we've played it, we understand the many awards and 5-star reviews it's earned.
It's fun! The drawings are super cute, and there's enough strategy to keep things interesting, even for two people.
Tock: Canadian version of Pachisi uses dice and cards
2-4 Players
Variable Play Time

A "race" game similar to the ancient game Pachisi of India, Ludo in England, and Parcheesi (TM) and Sorry! (TM) in America, this is the Canadian version.
We love the colorful board and the unique "heaven" shortcut in the center. Played with regular dice and playing cards and using marbles as tokens. Sold by Canadian hardware company Lee Valley Tools and made in Canada.
Tock Game Board at Lee Valley Tools >>>
Tock Rules of Play >>>
As you can see, we love games! We hope this inspires your next Family Game Night - and we'd love to hear about your favorite games!
Shoot us a line or leave us a comment with your favorite games for family game nights.
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