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Original, unique designs to help with lifting and carrying your bicycle

Lifetime leather bar wraps in five styles for every type of handlebar and bicycle

Best-selling "commuter essentials" for making the daily commute easier

Stunning handcrafted bicycle bags carry the essentials and turn heads!

Our original best-selling Travel Cribbage Boards have fans worldwide

Play dice anywhere you go in a handcrafted brass keychain or necklace.

Uniquely functional for travel: hand-drawn domino playing cards (2 sizes!)

Our newest folding leather board and favorite game: Travel Backgammon!

All handcrafted handles in 8 styles, 4 leather colors, & 3 metal finishes

Strong yet soft, durable and sustainable, no-bumps and no-bruises

Collection details, stylesheets, dimensions, sizing, palette & more

Flexible but sturdy, creative solutions to tricky problem corners

We wrote a free educational series about our favorite material, delivered to your inbox.

"In a Nutshell": Our blog has fresh human-written content with how-to guides and news

In a Nutshell

New tools and resources to help you pick the best leather handles and pulls for your project: image renderings showing relative scale and a human model, and a data table with dimensions
  • 5 min read
The humble act of feeling gratitude on a regular basis has profound benefits on body, mind, and community. What is a gratitude practice, why start, and how to.
  • 8 min read
Print at home: the solution for gift givers dealing with last-minute or gifts lost in the mail. Our creative folding origami design is memorable and handmade.
  • 3 min read
In this post, we introduce furoshiki, the Japanese art of knotting and folding cloth into protective wrappings and bags. It’s not only beautiful, it’s a more sustainable way to present gifts than disposable paper – and it can be done with something we probably all have in our houses, the mighty bandana!
  • 6 min read
These are our simplified rules of play for learning backgammon, an ancient board game that still brings a lot of modern fun, particularly with the addition of the American doubling cube!
  • 11 min read
It’s getting harder to tell where something is really coming from when you order online! In this post, we’ll share our sources, tips, and lists for finding awesome stuff that is actually made in America.
  • 6 min read
Brass and leather are two natural materials that go together beautifully, and even a little tarnish is nothing to worry about. If you wish, you can return brass to its original natural shine easily and quickly with a cleaning product like Brasso.
  • 4 min read
How to wrap infinitely long lengths of rail, handle, or bar (like a bannister, handrail, stairway railing) in American veg-tan using the Oswego Leather Wrap Kit.
  • 4 min read
Estimate how many Oswego Leather Wrap kits you need to cover just about any bar: indoors or outdoors. Our calculator tool was made by a PhD in mathematics!
  • 4 min read
Yes! You can use our quality leather bar wraps for steering wheels. In this post, we'll share tips and tricks for picking the right wraps, plus share some of our customer photos and stories.
  • 4 min read
An answer to a customer question turns into a tutorial on how to cut, bevel, dye, and burnish leather edges at home.
  • 4 min read
Presenting the Bicycle Barrel Bag Bookmark, now included free with every handcrafted Handlebar Barrel Bag and Seat Barrel Bag purchase.
  • 1 min read
