
Original, unique designs to help with lifting and carrying your bicycle

Lifetime leather bar wraps in five styles for every type of handlebar and bicycle

Best-selling "commuter essentials" for making the daily commute easier

Stunning handcrafted bicycle bags carry the essentials and turn heads!

Our original best-selling Travel Cribbage Boards have fans worldwide

Play dice anywhere you go in a handcrafted brass keychain or necklace.

Uniquely functional for travel: hand-drawn domino playing cards (2 sizes!)

Our newest folding leather board and favorite game: Travel Backgammon!

All handcrafted handles in 8 styles, 4 leather colors, & 3 metal finishes

Strong yet soft, durable and sustainable, no-bumps and no-bruises

Collection details, stylesheets, dimensions, sizing, palette & more

Flexible but sturdy, creative solutions to tricky problem corners

We wrote a free educational series about our favorite material, delivered to your inbox.

"In a Nutshell": Our blog has fresh human-written content with how-to guides and news

This blog is written by humans.

100% written by humans.
We don't use generative A.I.

The New Coastal Walnut Studiolo

We are so in love with our new coastal home in Nehalem, Oregon. * Hover over the images for a description * Click on images for a larger view * Enjoy the tour!

1 Response

Lucy Brook

Lucy Brook

July 11, 2023

hi there,
a couple of years ago you repaired (spontaneously, on the spot, when i dropped in to your studio) the cloth buckle on my small river backpack. i brought you some carrots from my garden.
now i have a small leather item i would like replicated. i need to send you a picture, hoping you will be willing to make just one small item..
i need YOUR email address to send you picture.
thank you.
om peace namaste
lucy brook

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