Over the past years of being in business, we've filmed quite a few videos for our YouTube channel! Our very first videos were handlebar wrap installation videos.
As it happens, we've worked with the same friend, Michael Ward, on all our installation videos and most of the bikes we've used in the videos have been his or his family's.
So when we were filming the installation video for our new bar wrap, the Coil Leather Bar Wraps, earlier this year, we realized the exact same bikes from our previous videos were all together in one place, after 6 or 7 years!
Michael and his brother are regular bicycle commuters in rainy Portland and admit they didn't regularly maintenance their leather so our Sew-on Bar Wraps and Braided Bar Wraps have been put to the test. We filmed the Braided Bar Wraps installation video and the Sew-on Bar Wraps installation video in 2013.
The results?
Although the leather could've used a little cleaning and conditioning, it still looked gorgeous. We noted that the Black Braided Bar Wraps had faded a bit. Meanwhile the Dark Brown Sew-on Bar Wraps had darkened a bit - almost to black where the hands rested most often on the top of the bar. Compared with the shiny new Honey Coil Bar Wraps, these three were meant to strike a pose together.
Enjoy the photo gallery and all 3 installation videos below:

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