Walnut Studiolo can ship to over 200 countries* and we have proudly shipped already to over 50 countries around the world!
We are pleased to offer promotional FLAT RATE shipping rates world-wide, which vary by country/region. For our latest offers, check out ourShipping Promotions page.
It depends on what you order and when you need it! All shipping costs are calculated on combined item weight and size. Use the Shipping Calculator in the Shopping Cart page to get an estimate.
We DO NOT collect international import taxes, customs duties, or VAT/GST taxes on your behalf.
When your package arrives, your country may charge you additional taxes on the order. We cannot reimburse you for your country's import taxes. Please check with your local country's customs office to find out how much taxes will be to your country - they could easily be as much as 20%-30% of the purchase price or more, including on the cost of shipping.
--> To get an estimate on these costs, please review Duty Calculator.Contact us if you need HTS import tariff code to estimate taxes.
To avoid this headache and get your item faster and without import taxes, take a look at our Retailers page to see if there is a Retailer near you: http://walnutstudiolo.com/pages/retailers
Updated 7 December 2024: Watch our blog post for updates on the EU GPSR. It is possible that in the future we may not be able to ship to the EU: A Word About EU GPSR Regulations for Handmade Products >>>
*For our customers in Brazil, we highly recommend you use a freight forwarding service or a 3rd party carrier such as DHL Express due to exceptionally slow post in Brazil, often taking 3 months or even more.
The USPS will not accept mail going to certain destinations due to inadequate transportation options or service disruptions within the country. If you need shipping to one of these countries and a third party carrier such as DHL Express is capable of shipping there please select those services instead.
As of this writing, this includes:
This list is kept up-to-date on the USPS website:USPS International Service Alerts >>>
Due to US laws, Walnut Studiolo CANNOT ship to certain countries. For a current and complete list of sanctions and embargoes, please see the US Trade Office website. As of this writing, this includes:
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*code will be in welcome email
does not apply to sale items